Science Fact Is Stranger than Science Fiction (Today, at Least)

Earthquakes to destroy your city! Escaping ants invade! Planets ripped apart! It's not science fiction, it's just your daily science watch, where we watch the science—the real science, only!
- Do you live in or have you ever visited Istanbul? How about Karachi, Katmandu, Lima, Tehran, or L.A.? If so you should know that your city will almost certainly be devastated by a giant earthquake some time this century. But don't worry, hundreds of other cities probably will too, so no sense in moving.
- Ants! Ants! They're escaping from their enclosure in the San Francisco Academy of Sciences and running off into probably your bedroom! Worse, these are "leaf cutter" ants. What else do they want to "cut?"
- So the earth is too much for you now, what with it's quaking fault line and ants run amok? Well then why don't you just move to unexpectedly large nearby planet WASP-12b? Oh yea, because that planet is on a DEATH MARCH while being torn apart by its own tides. Now who has it bad?
- On the bright side, researchers have discovered "a biochemical link between misery and death."