Tonight's episode of No Reservations featured Anthony Bourdain's return to familiar territory in Ecuador: he ate roadside ceviche, drank and schmoozed with the local friends he seems to be so good at making, and—oh, yeah—ate penis soup.

It's not very rare for Bourdain to channel Andrew Zimmern and eate something extremely bizarre, but—in this case—it's more the voice-over description of his experience than the food itself that makes the event memorable. It's a shame that Bourdain's language is censored, though, because I'm beginning to get the feeling that watching him stripped of his right to swear is like watching Pulp Fiction on TBS.

Unfortunately, Bill Murray was conspicuously absent from the episode, but Bourdain continued his culinary tour through the country unabated, sampling cow fetus soup, guinea pig and a myriad stews before wrapping it up with his customary family dinner.

[Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations]