Kari "The Hipster Grifter" Ferrell first rose to fame after Doree profiled her in the NYO. She quickly became internet famous. Later, she went to jail for a bit. Now, she's in our office, ready to answer your questions, below.

So here's what is about to happen here: You just put your questions right there in the comments right now. Anything goes! We are going to pick the top ten questions that you submit in the near future. Then, our crack team of videographers are going to be asking Kari your top ten questions live, and she will answer them right off the top of her head, on video! When she's done that, Kari is going to come online and answer your questions right in the comments, while the magical video is being edited. Then, the video will be posted here. It's a multimedia extravaganza!

So just put your question in the comments now. Then incessantly refresh this post for the next couple of hours.

UPDATE: It's 1:55 and Kari's about to come into the comments to answer your questions. Video TK in about 20 minutes! (Kari's commenter name is KoreanAbdulJabbar).

UPDATE 2: There is the video. Right on top of this post. Just click it.