Live Blogging Project Runway, Week 7

What do hardware stores, Heidi Klum's uterus, and Romulans all have in common? They're all on Project Runway and we'll be making fun of them all in our weekly live blog. Beam yourself in, Scotty.
Aefvadh! That means "welcome" in Romulan. I learned this while Googling the word "Romulan" in search of evidence that Mila looks like one, as commenter robina suggested during our last live blog.
And you know what? I think she does (see the comparison linked here). Specifically, she resembles both Toreth and Taris — two different Romulan commanders who were both played by the same actress, Carolyn Seymour. Why? Damned if I know! Does this look like io9 to you?
No, this is Gawker, dammit— home of the Project Runway live blog, the greatest commenter party on earth! The live blog happens in the comments section below—where all are welcome to join in—and the show starts on Lifetime at 10 Eastern. Our last edition was a blast: click here to sample a few of the many memorable comments from that one. Other highlights included the following:
- Early in the episode, commenter tipsy_hausfrau accurately predicted Janeane's ouster, thusly: "Oh no! It's the symbolic tearful call home! Buh-bye, Weepy"!
- Many of us were struck by Seth Aaron's boast that he's bought his daughter over 200 handbags. Apparently he's out to raise the next Imelda Marcos?
- When a bunch of little girl showed up, michelegilliam01 noted how appropriate it was that "the workroom is already conveniently painted like a daycare."
- I kept waiting for Ping to burst into the workroom shouting "I forgot my shoes!" Alas, it never happened.
- We cheered the demise of the Weepy One, who's such a downer that she even told us she hates Halloween — which, as commenter sweet_communist pointed out, is "like hating fun."
As for tonight, I've perused a few preview clips and suggest we all watch for the following:
- The designers will have to create a look using materials purchased at a hardware store. Sounds positively galvanizing, doesn't it? What a wrenching twist! Instead of using bolts of cloth, they'll be making clothes with bolts! OK, I just used up all my hardware jokes, so you guys will have to supply the rest of them tonight.
- Emilio will tell Tim he's making an "intergalactic macramé flapper something." Made of pink strings and shiny washers, it looks like he thought of it in the hardware store when he saw the word "stripper" on a can.
- One guest-judge will be Isabel Toledo, known primarily for designing Michelle Obama's inauguration dress—which nobody remembers because it got upstaged by Aretha Franklin's hellacious hat.
OK gang, it's nearly 10, so I'd advise that we all start making final pre-live-blog preparations. Grab a drink. Find the remote. Flex your phalanges. Think up a few hardware jokes. It's hammer time (try to think up better ones than that)!