Right Wing Yakker's Housewife vs. Wellesley Teens in Dumb Internet Feud
In your magical Monday media column: Masshole-on-Wellesley media violence, the internet finally beats print forever, going deep into Glenn Beck, and people find jobs, miraculously.

Howie Carr is a right wing Masshole radio host. His wife wrote a column in the local paper about how she wished the god damn Wellesley kids would stop being drunk all over town all the time. Example: "They say they're going one place, get their friends to cover for them and then head for the nearest "open house." Or they disappear from larger, supervised gatherings for one or two hours at a time - hmmmm, I wonder what they're doing out there in the woods." And guess what, this idiot column pissed everybody off so much they totally cussed out Howie Carr's wife, on the internet, and they had to totally shut down the comments, and it's all a certified kerfuffle. A modern media cautionary tale.

A new study says that for the first time ever, "U.S. advertisers are spending more this year on digital media than on print." Game.

And right on time, technologist Glenn Beck is going to "revolutionize the medium" with INSIDER EXTREME at GlennBeck.com, where, for only $6.25 per month, you can go inside Glenn Beck.

Good news! Former E&P editors Joe Strupp and Greg Mitchell both found new jobs—Strupp with Media Matters and Mitchell with undisclosed. Good to know not everyone has to starve in the gutter!