A bunch of nobodies with no taste will be making catty comments about other people's gowns. No, it's not the Academy Awards red carpet, it's Project Runway. Please join us to make some catty comments of our own!

The Oscars are over, but there's still an award to hand out: "Best Hardware Joke in a Commenter Live Blog." A few nominees are listed in this post—where you can live-blog tonight's episode after you vote!

Before I get into the hardware-joke thing, let me explain the purpose of this feature for the benefit of any newcomers: This is a group live blog of Project Runway, in which Gawker commenters watch the latest episode (which starts on Lifetime at 10 Eastern) and live-blog it in the comments section below. If you haven't joined us before, try it—it's fun!

OK, now that that's out of the way, I'll explain the voting thing. Before last week's hardware-themed episode started, I told everyone that I'd already used up all my hardware jokes and that you folks would have to provide the rest of them for the evening. And man, did you ever deliver! Here's a sampling:

  • tipsy_hausfrau: "I'm gonna bolt downstairs and grab a glass of wine before it's too late and I'm screwed."
  • summeroflove: "I almost got a wrench in my plans but I made it, right down to the wire."
  • naugahydeinplainsight: "There's a battery of commenters keyed up to plumb the depths of this episode".
  • katekate is squared: "This challenge is a good fit for a big bunch of tools."
  • belltolls: "I expect this to be riveting."
  • Lizawithazee: "By any measuring stick they should switch to plumbing if they don't nail this one."
  • Old Ocho: "Project Runway has hit a new Lowe's."

So I propose that folks use the comments section tonight to cast a vote for your favorite hardware joke from the list above, and I'll announce the winner next week. I'm excited about this, because I'm pretty sure that there's never been a hardware-joke award before in the history of humankind. So this is all very historic and ground-breaking!

If the jokes above didn't provide enough commenter humor for you, you can find more by clicking here and reading a collection of highlights from last week's live blog. Oh, and speaking of highlights, I've watched a few of them from tonight's episode, which were collected on a DVD that Lifetime sent me. So here are a few things I suggest we watch for as we live blog tonight:

  • The contestants will be forced to stand and listen to some Garnier guy spout nonsense like "Fructis Natural Elements are fused with the latest in beauty technology." Such are the indignities that a designer must endure, I guess, on the road to becoming a Project Runway has-been.
  • The challenge will be to create looks that evoke qualities of fire, earth, air or water. If Emilio performs like last week, he'll evoke qualities of all four – hot, dirty, lightweight and tasteless.
  • The guest judge will be designer Roland Mouret, famous for creating something called the "moon dress." I was disappointed to learn that, despite the name, the dress doesn't actually make the woman wearing it moon everyone — unlike Emilio's creation from last week.

OK, I think that's enough jokes about Emilio's slut-garment for one post, don't you think? Anyway, it's nearly time for the live blog to get underway. Get ready to fuse your comic elements with the latest in live-blogging technology!