Blog Wunderkind Has an Adventure with the Word 'Nigga'

Tumblr founder and skinny white wunderkind David Karp posed a question to his followers today: "Can I use the word 'nigga' if I'm quoting a song?"
Response-friendly Tumblr overfloweth with advice. Just make sure you say -a, not -er, advised A Person Of Creepy Tendencies. "When I was listening to the White Panda mashup of 'Energy' and 'Stuntin Like My Daddy' I actually stop myself from singing/rapping whenever that words come up," noted Bird Will Bird Wont. A couple users quit Tumblr in a huff and still others responded by posting pictures of black people weeping. Karp's real mistake, though, was posing his question in a platform that lacks Chris Rock.
For the record, the answer is: Only if you divert eye contact, mumble, trail off awkwardly, then send a tweet about how embarrassed you are, so anyone who overheard can retweet it and you can find out if your black friends are mad. No need to thank us, David. The internet is here to help. [Pic: Flickr]