In 1985, a married 30-year-old man sat in a hot tub with 15-year-old girl who worked for him. They were naked. In 2002, he gave the woman $150,000. Now, the man is the majority leader of the Utah House.

The guy, Kevin Garn, admitted the whole thing on the floor of the Utah statehouse yesterday. He was forced to tell the story because the woman, Cheryl Maher, started talking to reporters recently. Garn, of course, is the real victim in all this: this terrible woman forced him to pay her hush money and then she didn't even hush! Thankfully, all is forgiven:

After Garn, with his wife beside him, made his shocking admission Thursday, fellow lawmakers "gave him thunderous applause for his honesty and embraced him," according to the AP. Garn had been instrumental in passing a series of ethics bills through the legislature.

That must've been the most single most inspiring speech admitting to naked hot tubbing with a 15-year-old girl that a Utah politician has ever made.