Tonight, the new season of The Celebrity Apprentice premiered. Video of the episode's two standout moments—in which Rod Blagojevich was caught in a lie and Donald Trump argued with Cyndi Lauper about how "disgusting" Rosie O'Donnell is—is inside.

The premiere episode's challenge saw the two teams (once again, it's men vs. women) operating diners in an attempt to raise money for the chosen charity of their project managers. Joan Rivers, winner of the show's last season, stopped by both and gave her critiques to Trump. Apparently, Rivers was less than impressed with the men's team, citing Blagojevich's chatty nature as the reason her burger took nearly 10 minutes to get from the kitchen (post-completion) to the table. When asked about this, Blagojevich immediately put on his politician hat and issued the age-old "I don't recall" defense.

Later, the women were left to defend themselves after losing the challenge. Trump asked Lauper—the team's project manager—why she wasn't able to get more of her "rich and famous" friends to stop by the diner and make large donations. Lapuer noted that she had one famous friend that "would've dropped a lot of money," but there was one little problem: it was O'Donnell. It was then that Trump made it known, once again, how much he hates the woman who famously impersonated him on The View.

There, we just saved you two hours—well, one hour and 58 minutes—of your life. You're welcome!

[The Celebrity Apprentice]