Is Reggie Bush sexist, or is he just tired of being Kim's prop or photo op? Zoe Saldana is sick of losing roles for being black. Michelle McGee's fetish videos include spiders, goo, and dolls. Wednesday gossip is feeling queasy.

  • Did Reggie Bush dump Kim Kardashian because he is a jerk, or because she is? Scenario #1: Reggie "wants a wife that is a support system and would be a stay at home mom to his children," and while he "loves [Kim's] drive and ambition," she is an uppity female who does not know her place. Scenario #2: Kim is "so caught up in the whole Hollywood thing," and he's sick of her turning their life into a photo op. Scenario #3: Both, because Kim's "drive and ambition" is her shameless fame whoring, you cannot separate the two. Scenario #4: He wasn't as into golden showers as she was. [Radar]
  • Zoe Saldana says casting directors constantly rejected her because she is black: "[I've heard] 'Oh, you know, you're just not what we were looking for, your skin is a little darker.'" Since her breakout role was a 9-foot-tall blue alien, she probably knows what she is talking about. [Gatecrasher]
  • Sandra Bullock: Still not filing for divorce, still has not shown her face in public since the unpleasantness known as Michelle "Bombshell" McGee. [P6]
  • Speaking of the woman whose nickname requires scare quotes, "Bombshell" filed a cease and desist to block the release of her sex tape. Other tapes, however, continue to emerge—like fetish movies for people who find spiders, giantesses, the destruction of tiny dolls, and women stuck in goo sexy. This lady is a walking lesson in the peculiarities of human sexuality. [TMZ, TMZ]
  • Our celebration for Paris Hilton's inability to sell a reality show was premature, it seems, because boyfriend Doug Reinhardt isn't shopping a show about his relationship with Paris—the show is about his sister Casey, who was on Laguna Beach but failed to break out. Paris will, however, lend herself to the cause for a wedding episode, where she will wed Reinhardt. It is a sign of the times that "marrying for fame" no longer means marrying a famous person, but marrying in a certain medium. [P6]
  • Beyonce's dad's DNA is in this baby, which is five years younger than its nephew. [TMZ]
  • Dennis Hopper's divorce battle royale continues. Last time we tuned in, grave-robbing Victoria Duffy was defending her stronghold in Hopper's guest house as her cancer-stricken husband sent armies of lawyers to evict her. Today, Dennis files court papers to recover "valuable works of art she literally stole from me," including Hopper's Warhol portrait, which she "surreptitiously removed from my home... while I was extremely ill... then left town." Hopper's lawyer says the star is broke and too ill to give a deposition. He has atrophied to 100 lbs. and is not expected to get better. [P6, TMZ]
  • Naomi Campbell will celebrate turning 40 by ceasing to beat people up. "You get older and your life changes," she explains. "I'm so much calmer." She bludgeons because she suffers from the unbearable burden of being gorgeous: "I have people around me who tell me I'm beautiful. But that goes in one ear and comes out the other. Anger wasn't the only one of my issues—I have lots of them." [Daily Mail, Celebitchy]
  • Benevolent Dictator of New York Michael Bloomberg took his commissioners to Brooklyn Bowl, a fauxhemian alley in Williamsburg. Bloomberg broke 100 every game, and NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly "topped out at 106." [P6]
  • This recession, not everyone is poor: Nefarious party boy Taek Jho Low bought the penthouse at 1 Central Park West for $33M, "the priciest single-unit residential foreclosure in New York history." Jho Low might be a violent arms dealer who throws money at starlets to turn them into playthings. Or he's a lovable nerd who got good grades at Penn. Hard to say. [P6]
  • California is trying to bar Jacko's Doctor Feelgood from practicing medicine. Apparently he's been practicing this whole time. [Popeater]

[Photo via Getty Images]