In your vengeful Wednesday media column: Albany justice does not save the media, a physically attractive journalist is found in India, Nightline is old, and the WSJ plans to cover this whole "god damn Mets" business.

  • Albany newspaper food critic Steve Barnes was beaten up in a parking lot in 2008 by a professional MMA fighter (who was probably hired to kick his ass by someone who didn't like his reviews). Now the case against his assailant has been thrown out, due to mistakes by the prosecutors. For example, "the judge ruled Spiegel's right to a speedy trial was violated because the case's prosecutor, assistant District Attorney Christopher Torelli, failed to show up in court on four occasions and missed a deadline for filing a memorandum of law." So, the entire case, from beginning to end, worked out exactly as you would imagine something in Albany would.
  • Hanna Ingber Win is a foreign correspondent in India. But she's supplementing her paltry journalism income by taking on some modeling gigs! Hanna Ingber Win, the first attractive print journalist in history.
  • Today is the 30th anniversary of Nightline. Well, dadgum.
  • Coming soon to your NYC edition of the Wall Street Journal: a New York sports section, complete with beat reporters going to New York sporting events, and whatnot, according to John Koblin. This is all part of Rupert Murdoch's plan to crush the NYT, which no one reads for its sports section either.