
The Most Exciting Version of a Newspaper War You'll Ever See

Hamilton Nolan · 09/08/10 02:19PM

Hacks like to call the Times vs. Journal battle "Bald men fighting over a comb." But in this CGI epic, it's more like "A sharkman fighting Pinch Sulzberger with a money cannon, West Side Story-style." Amazing journalism.

David Remnick Loves Porn-Obsessed Sex Comic

Hamilton Nolan · 04/19/10 01:23PM

In your comment-free Monday media column: Tracy Morgan sits at the fancy table, rumors of a departure from Vogue, the WSJ targets NYT advertisers, everyone wants student newspapers to shut up, and black reporters are disappearing fast.

Food Critic Also Beaten Up by Albany Court

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/10 01:09PM

In your vengeful Wednesday media column: Albany justice does not save the media, a physically attractive journalist is found in India, Nightline is old, and the WSJ plans to cover this whole "god damn Mets" business.

Rupert 'Frankenstein' Murdoch Using Zombie New York Sun to Attack New York Times

Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/10 09:31AM

Rupert Murdoch has wanted to throttle the gasping corpse of the New York Times ever since the day he overpaid for the Wall Street Journal. This is his passion. His first solid step is his previously announced New York local news hires at the WSJ. Today, John Koblin reports that he's not just grabbing a dozen reporters to put out a metro section; he is, in effect, building a competing local paper—complete with three dozen reporters, a $15 million budget, and a boatload of New York Sun veterans.