Let's All Email Steve Jobs!

It is well known that you can email Steve Jobs at sjobs@apple.com. It is less well-known that he sometimes responds. He has been doing this a lot lately. Come on, everybody, let's email Steve Jobs!
The New York Times has a delightful article today about Steve Jobs' recent burst of email correspondences with Joe Mac User. Including:
- John Devor, a 23 year-old student at University of Virginia emailed to complain that Apple lawyers were hassling him over the name of an application he developed, iPodRip. Jobs' response: "Change your apps name. Not that big of a deal. Steve."
- Swedish music producer Jezper Soderlund emailed Jobs to ask if his iPhone data plan would work with the iPad. Jobs' response: "No."
- Devir Kahan complained about a keyboard problem. Jobs' response: "Software Fix coming soon. Sorry for the bug."
- Italian Blogger Andrea Nepori asked Jobs if she could get free e-books on her iPad. Jobs' response: "Yep."
How exciting! Now that we know there's signs of life at the other end, it is up to you, dear Gawker reader, to email Steven P. Jobs. What will you email him? Here are some suggestions:
To: sjobs@apple.com
From: adrian@gawker.com
Subject: Broken-hearted
To: sjobs@apple.com
From: Adrian@gawker.com
Subject: iPod Touch troublesMy brand new iPod Touch refuses to play any of the songs from the new Creed album. Is this a feature or a flaw?
To: sjobs@apple.com
From: Adrian@gawker.com
Subject: PlayWhat did you think of that one-man play about you, The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs? If it was applying for inclusion in the App Store, would you let it in?
To: sjob@apple.com
From: Adrian@gawker.com
Subject: WomenWhat kind of functionality do you look for in a woman?
To: sjobs@apple.com
From: Adrian@gawker.com
Subject: iPad questionI know that the iPad is supposed to save the newspaper industry. But is there any way you can include a feature that would let the Washington Post's opinion section continue its downward spiral to the very depths of Hell?
To: sjobs@apple.com
From: adrian@gawker.com
Subject: There's an app for thatIs there an app for not dropping your iPhone into the toilet when you're drunk? If so, is there an app for traveling back in time to right before I dropped my iPhone into the toilet when I was drunk?
To: sjobs@apple.com
From: Adrian@gawker.com
Subject: MacBook ProMy MacBook Pro appears to be made of the broken dreams of 16 year-old Chinese factory workers. My question: Is this covered by AppleCare?
Alright, email Steve Jobs right now. First one to get a response wins our dead iPhone battery.