Desperate Fan Offers Orgy for World Series Tickets

A Philadelphia woman is on trial for offering three-ways and anal sex for tickets to an undercover cop who she met through Craigslist. The officer who set up the sting was hunting for "blondes" on the site.
With little time for small talk, Susan Finkelstein cut to the chase in a suburban mall restaurant and told Officer Michael Brady, "Bob," that "she was interested in anal sex and she brought lube with her if I wanted that." She had posted an ad on Craigslist that read "DESPERATE BLONDE NEEDS WS TIX." And if her lubricated offer couldn't seal the deal, Finkelstein was ready to get raunchy:
When Finkelstein, 44, learned of another ticket that Bob's "brother" had, she said the siblings could "DP" her, Brady said. "DP" is short for "double penetration," he explained."
That surely made things comfortable in the courtroom! And just how, you might ask, did this meeting come about? Bob's supervisor, Sgt. Robert Bugsch, was simply looking for chicks on the internet, that's all:
Bugsch testified that he found her ad by typing in "blonde" into the Craigslist search engine."
Finkelstein's lawyer questioned the officers' motives, who perhaps had more important work they could have been doing:
Is Bensalem so crime-free that the Bensalem police can go on the Internet?" he asked.
The commonwealth wants you to believe Sgt. Bugsch, in a hunt to track down crime, types in 'blonde,' sees this ad and says, 'I better get on this.' "
Horny cops love to lurk on Craigslist... consider yourself warned!