Vogue editor-at-large-and-in-charge contributing editor André Leon Talley is the best thing about America's Next Top Model. How did he do on this week's episode of Tyra Banks skinny girl dog and pony show?

Outfit: Navy Tent structure with crisp white shirt. Already a repeat, André? Tsk, tsk!
Accessory: Tusk on a Chain, also a repeat.
Aggreability: Mostly got on well with the other judges, even though he continues to ignore the guest judge. Tyra disagreed with his hatred of Brenda's African inspired photo. She is already trying to show independence from her new favorite toy.
Education: A discourse on what is and what is not "patently gauche." It usually involves foot placement in strappy shoes.
Uses of "Dreckitude": 4, including variation "Dreck-of-the-week-itude" and the first mention of the "Dreck Awards." Does not include Tyra's two uses of the word.
Grade: Given the repeated outfit and accessory and annoyingly repetitive use of the word "fashion" we would give him a C, but random screaming, cussing out a girl's outfit, and several French words for no good reason bump him up. (B)