In your malevolent Monday media column: another round of layoffs hits the AP, refereeing Henry Blodget vs. Felix Salmon, Starbucks liberals in bed with Roger Ailes, and Gerald Boyd's kind of sad memoir.

  • Multiple tipsters tell us that another round of layoffs (minor, compared to the last one) is going down at the AP. One tipster tells us that the layoffs began late last week with four employees in the technology department in various cities across the country, as well as a newsperson in West Virginia and the acting chief of bureau in the DC-based Mid-Atlantic bureau. We also hear that a reporter and a photographer in Omaha and Tallahassee, respectively, were let go today. More layoffs may be coming. If you have more info, email me.
    UPDATE: AP spokesman Paul Colford tells us "11 staffers have been affected in all, period. Seven of them were in News, the others in Technology." He says all 11 layoffs are completed, and the news staffers laid off were "scattered between NYC and outlying bureaus."
  • Henry Blodget and Felix Salmon had a spat on Twitter last week. Felix said Henry's not a real journalist and Henry was like haha but seriously STFU and taken all together, and maybe Felix had the moral high ground and Henry had the economic expertise, but mostly they both showed why Twitter is such an ignoble, degrading monstrosity.
  • Starbucks is in bed with Fox News, by association! NYC-area Starbucks outlets are going to begin selling the WSJ in addition to the New York Times. Did your liberal latte this morning help buy one of Roger Ailes' slaves?
  • Former NYT managing editor Gerald Boyd's posthumous memoir, "My Times in Black and White," is out, and Howard Kurtz read it. Let's just take one heartbreaking quote from the book of this man who rose so high and overcame so much only to fall from grace and die rather bitter, shall we?
  • Race always loomed large for him, as in this reflection on his promotion by Raines: "Could his decision to name me managing editor be rooted in nothing more than white guilt over four centuries of oppression?" When the New Yorker did a devastating profile of Raines, Boyd was described as "an imposing figure" — which, he says, "I read as a big, menacing black man."