
Gerald Boyd vs. Jonathan Landman: Beef Well Done

Hamilton Nolan · 01/13/10 10:21AM

Former NYT managing editor Gerald Boyd lost his job after the Jayson Blair scandal, which could be interpreted either as just desserts for snoozing while Blair fucked up the paper, or as an unjustified bit of scapegoating—made worse by the fact that Boyd was black, and the NYT wasn't exactly swarming with minority execs at the time (or ever!).

And Now He's Dead, And Now They're Tacky: Gerald M. Boyd

Emily Gould · 11/24/06 09:47AM

Former New York Times managing editor Gerald Boyd, who was forced to resign in the wake of the Jayson Blair scandal, died of lung cancer yesterday at the age of 56. Though his career pre-Blair was storied — he was the youngest journalist ever chosen for a prestigious Nieman fellowship, and a series he worked on as the Times's first black city editor won a Pulitzer — his race and his position linked him inextricably in people's minds to Blair's dramatic plagiarism flameout. Especially in the minds of's copyeditors, apparently.

Gerald Boyd's memo to NYT staff, re: Augusta fiasco

Gawker · 12/05/02 06:23AM

In response to recent allegations that NYT promotes freedom of the pressjust not inside the officeGerald Boyd issues a moving memo to the NYT staff emphasizing the need to avoid "intramural quarrelling." Admonitions that everyone-should-all-get-along and come-together-as-one don't seem to be having the desired effect. Then again, neither does Howell's so-called activism on the Augusta issue.
Gerald Boyd's Memo re: Augusta [Romanesko]