The Best Gawker.TV Comments: Your Words, Your Week in Video
All coonskin caps. All the time. You Hipster FoHo enthusiasts sure know the way to our hearts. Plus one commenter is kind of a crybaby, but we like it that way.

[Kristina Lucarelli "keeping score" at last night's New York All-Media Bowling Tourney. Popular Mechanics completely destroyed us. But Gawker Media definitely won the award for best cheerleaders!]
In comment news, seekingwhat got a little existential on us...over Ron Howard?
I wanna make a short film about Ron Howard watching me watch his movies. He sits in a chair in a dark corner of my basement all Monty Burns style. The film consists of me during the last five minutes of all his films, crying like a little bitch. As I bawl into my bowl of popcorn I point over to Ron who is smirking, and through my tears belt out, "YOU GOT ME AGAIN RON, YOU REALLY FUCKING GOT ME"
We would watch that movie. We'd probably write about it, too. Just saying.
Coonskin caps came out to play thanks to Frank Cozzarelli's investigative journalism! Keep 'em coming, because we know there are more pictures of coonskins in action out there.
Ginger Coonskin. From Missblackcardiganqueenofharlem

Arrested Coonskin. From hdgotham

Album Cover Coonskin. From Anderson Evans

Not a Coonskin. But close enough. From mrspepper

Have you been particularly charmed by a comment or commenter? Send your tips my way.