Oz isn't the best cardiothoracic surgeon in the city, but thanks to obsessive self-promotion and near constant appearances on Oprah, the Discovery Health network, and his own program The Dr. Oz Show, he's certainly the most famous.

Cleveland native Oz (he's of Turkish descent) picked up a joint MD and MBA from the University of Pennsylvania before moving to New York in the late '80s to become a resident at Columbia. He's been affiliated with Columbia ever since-he's a professor of surgery and a member of New York-Presbyterian's cardiovascular services team-although arguably it's his MBA and not his MD that has proved most useful to his present career. A savvy self-marketer, Oz is best known to the public as the hunky heart surgeon who got his start on Oprah. After years as a frequent guest on just about every morning news show in the country, from the Today Show to Good Morning America to Live with Regis and Kelly, he launched his own syndicated talk show, The Dr. Oz Show, in 2009, and Oprah's All-Stars with Suze Orman and Dr. Phil in 2011.

His empire has expanded to over a half dozen books featuring a prominent YOU in the title, but Dr. Oz has gotten into scuffles with the Food and Drug Administration after advocating integrative medicinal practices, claiming that apple juice contained high levels of arsenic, and promoting RealAge.com. Oz lives with his wife Lisa, and the pair has four children. Their eldest child, Daphne Oz, has gotten a boost from daddy's high profile: she's the author of The Dorm Room Diet and The Dorm Room Diet Planner and stars on the soul-crushing daytime show The Chew. [Image via Getty]