One of the most highly touted features of the iPad was its reported ability to "save" the publishing world from the dire straits in which it currently finds itself. Inside, the honest opinions of several journalists related to the issue.

Yes, the iPad is supposedly part tablet and part savior, but whether or not it can actually be the latter remains to be seen. Is the allure of the iPad—and its easy of use—enough to make people reconcile paying for publishing content that they can probably find for free online? Will it sustain the world of publishing as it currently stands (or limps), or will the device create—and necessitate—an entirely new business model? If so, will this "new world" be profitable to the publishing houses that have jumped in both head first and blindly?

Our collection of journalists had a wide range of opinions on the aforementioned issue and questions, but—spoiler alert!—no one is too optimistic about the iPad's publishing-saving prospects.

Featuring: Nicholas Carlson (Business Insider), Dan Frommer (Business Insider), Seth Porges (Popular Mechanics), Ray Wert (Jalopnik) and John Biggs (Crunchgear)

Shot by Kirk Larsen

Edited by Matt Toder