Well, three of the nerdy ones at least! Also today: Some really fresh ideas from the USA network, a Pushing Daisies favorite finds some work, and Butter continues to churn along.

Everything old is old again! The USA network has announced a slate of current shows in development and they are all the same. There's one about a single lady with kids who becomes involved with the Mob and another one about a single lady with kids who's in the FBI. Then there's one about brothers in the FBI. There's one about an insurance investigator (exec produced by Steve Carell and John Michael Higgins, among others) who goes looking for danger and another about a modern day Robyn Hood who finds adventure in giving money back to people that her shady financial man dad has mismanaged. Oh, and there's a lawyer show. Characters welcome! As long as they are all mostly the same character. [THR]

The thing that most people like about Star Wars is the comedy, right? All those funny bits about scruffy nerdherders and JarJar Binkses and the innate gay humor of Grand Moff Tarkin. So it's fitting then that Cartoon Network is developing an animated Star Wars comedy series with Lucasfilm. The ray of sunshine is that a Daily Show writer is leading the project, with the Robot Chicken guys also involved. Wait, are we still liking Robot Chicken? I don't know what's hip these days. I watched my first episode a couple of weeks ago and it was loud and I didn't really know what was going on. Just like the last three Star Wars movies! Something about trading and shipping lanes? Was that was those movies were about? [Variety]

Shows that might get canceled: V, Heroes, Accidentally on Purpose, FlashForward. Shows that should get canceled: V, Heroes, Accidentally on Purpose, FlashForward. (See what I did there?) Actors from those shows who should get new, way better series: Elizabeth Mitchell. [THR] Oh, and look! Fox has officially, finally canceled 'Til Death and has pushed struggling freshman Sons of Tucson off its schedule indefinitely. Sad for a long-delayed, once heralded show. Meanwhile NBC continues its glorious, years-long hot streak and renews beloved reality shows The Marriage Ref and Minute to Win It (hosted by Guy Fieri, the man with the fridge with a racing stripe on it.) Ref was something of a no-brainer, because NBC probably doesn't want to be in a fight with Jerry Seinfeld. Just in case...

Modern Family (and Dawn of the Dead! Easter!) funnyman Ty Burrell is nearly signed up to play a professional butter carver forced into retirement in that new movie comedy Butter. The character's wife, played by Jennifer Garner, steps in to assume the butter throne in his absence. Jim Carrey and Kate Hudson might also be involved? And look for cameos from Sean Penn and Angelina Jolie. [EW]

Pretty lady Anna Friel, of Pushing Daisies and a bunch of snooty-poot British stuff, has joined the cast of the currently shooting Dark Fields. It's a thriller about Bradley Cooper taking a drug that makes him smarter and more successful but then later makes him see everything in stop-motion or something. The movie also features Abbie Cornish and Robert DeNiro shuffling in to collect another paycheck. [THR]

The Weinstein Brothers are considering buying back Miramax, the recently shuttered movie studio they founded and were later forced out of. The thing's probably going to go for $400 or $500 million dollars, and quite frankly I didn't think the Weinstein boys had that kind of money these days. But who knows! They are made of miracles. [Variety]