Flying: it's not so hard, is it? Get on the plane and later, get off the plane. Still, some air passengers can't seem to avoid causing international incidents with their misbehavior. Below, a ridiculously simple guide to avoiding trouble.

What Not to Do on a Plane

1. Smoke.
2. Joke about lighting one's shoes on fire.
3. Actually light one's shoes on fire.
4. Talk shit to an air marshal.
5. Talk shit to a flight attendant.
6. Talk shit to your seatmate.
7. Talk to your seatmate.
8. Touch your seatmate.
9. Occupy more space than your seat.
10. Fully recline your seat.
11. Peruse pornography ostentatiously.
12. Engage in terroristic misdeeds.
13. Be stank.

[Photo via Getty]