Jesse James' Mistress Leaked His Sexy Emails and Other Disappointments

Jesse James was flirting with girls electronically behind Sandra's back, of course. Mario Lopez is obsessed with his body. Paris Hilton and her BF broke up while Brody Jenner and Avril Lavigne got together. Monday's gossip has separation anxiety.
- The public shaming of Sandra Bullock continues, this time with emails (actually they seem more IMs, but whatever) between him and another mistress Merilee Gerth, who worked with James at West Coast Choppers before he fired her (and she got a healthy settlement for sexual harassment). Sadly, they aren't especially dirty, just filled with the normal sorts of flirting and dirty jokes that you expect from a boss who is a serial cheater. Our favorite bit is when Merilee asks for some Tums and James responds, "I have some special fluid that you can drink and it makes it all better." Oh, real original, Jesse. [RadarOnline]
- Surprise, surprise: Mario "The Ab-ominator" Lopez is obsessed with working out. He loves it so much, that he wouldn't be photographed with his girlfriend, Courtney Mazza, until she had a boob job and liposuction. We'd say we were very disappointed in A.C. Slater, but you know that a man with a washboard stomach can't be trusted. [P6]
- Bruce Beresford-Redman, the former Survivor producer suspected of murdering his wife in Mexico, had a mistress, of course, and now we know who it is. Joy Pierce is a casting agent who worked with Beresford-Redman on a couple of shows, but they supposedly called off the affair months ago and Bruce and his late wife were trying to reconcile. Pierce isn't speaking for the time being, alas. [RadarOnline]
- Oh snap: Reggie Bush has been partying with Paris Hilton! Kim Kardashian's ex may be getting revenge by living it up with her arch enemy at Tao in L.A. Hilton's boyfriend Doug Reinhardt wasn't around, supposedly because the two have broken up. [TMZ, E! Online]
- Brody Jenner and Avril Lavigne are now the couple that we care least about in Hollywood. The reality dunderhead and the rock princess seem to be officially together, even getting matching tattoos in Vegas over the weekend. Brody has even taken Avril to meet his mother, and it wasn't even filmed for The Hills. That must mean it's true love! Gatecrasher]
- Corey Haim's funeral sounds like it was full of drama. After it become public that the star's estate couldn't cover the costs, memorabilia company Startifacts said they would cough up $20,000 to pay for it. But then they stopped payment on the check. Why? Because Haim's brother-in-law, Mark Alexander, told them that the funeral had been paid for and the money was going for Corey's mother's cancer treatments. But Corey's mother says that her cancer treatments are fully covered by insurance. So where was the cash going? For a new boat? A fun vacation and a fat TV set? A giant pile of scratch lottery tickets? Guess it doesn't really matter now. [TMZ]
- New Real Housewife of New York Jennifer Gilbert isn't even on the show yet, but she's already in the gossip columns. Gilbert runs the event planning company Save the Date and is suing the operator of a hookup site called Save the Date(ing) for trademark infringement. If this is the kind of action she takes when she's slighted, we can't wait for her first dust-up with the Countess of Crackerjacks or crazy Ramona. [P6]