Birther Conspiracy Site Sues DC Press Corps For Permission to Attend Party

World Net Daily—Michele Bachmann's favorite source of conspiracy theories—is suing the White House Correspondents' Association, because they've been barred from their annual dinner. No, wait, sorry—they were just given one table.
According to a press release from their lawyer, Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, only giving WND one table they wanted three is "virtually shuting WND out of the upcoming dinner...."
Hah, wait: Larry Klayman? Yes, World Net Daily's lawyer is also Jared Paul Stern's lawyer, the crazy man who sued the Clintons endlessly. (He is only allowed to argue cases in Florida, Pennsylvania, and DC.)
Also, who is to blame for this? Obama.
It's true that WND sends a reporter to the White House—crazy old Les Kingsolving, who exists to ask questions about the NAFTA superhighway when Robert Gibbs is bored of answering real questions—but they are more of an "email list of birthers that the RNC rents" than a news agency. The site consists mainly of conspiracy theories from Joseph Farah and Jerome Corsi and a bunch of syndicated columns from the usual suspects. One table is probably all they need.
(Today's top story: is the Shroud of Turin actually not a forgery???)
Now, after devoting all their time and resources to proving that the president is an illegitimate foreign-born usurper, they will sue the debased Washington press corps for... not giving them enough seats at their friendly little dinner party for the president. Ok, guys!
Here is some truth from Mr. Klayman:
Venerable Internet Publication "Shut Out" of Annual Dinner At Likely Request of Obama White House
(Washington, D.C., April 13, 2010)., one of the most widely read and oldest internet publications has brought suit against the White House Correspondents' Association, for virtually shutting WND out of the upcoming dinner on May 1, 2010.This dinner by the Association is the premier event in Washington, D.C., and it is where the media salutes the President of the United States annually. It is the equivalent of the "Academy Awards" for the media and political establishment.
This year, WND was among the first to order three tables for the event, as its White House correspondent, Les Kinsolving, is being feted by the staff and honored guests. However, based on apparent pressure put on the Association by the Obama White House, the Association gave WND only three seats, an insult to the publication.
Like Fox News, which was retaliated against earlier this year by the Obama White House, WND has been highly critical of the Obama White House.
To be effectively excluded from this event not only harms WND's reputation, but damages its relations with the distinguished guests which it had already invited.
Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, filed the suit for WND, under his law firm, and the complaint asks for over $10,000,000 in damages, plus a court order requiring the Association to allow WND to attend the event.
For an article about the suit, see Mr. Klayman can be contacted at 310-595-0800 for comment.