In your woofin' Wednesday media column: Arianna Huffington's allotment of celebrity seats at the White House Correspondents Dinner is the greatest issue facing journalism in America, the National Enquirer was stiffed, BusinessWeek is clueless, and an alt-weekly loses.

  • Arianna Huffington was upset that HuffPo only got one table at the White House Correspondents Annual Politico-celebrity Cocksucking Party, instead of three tables (although Arianna says she wasn't forced to disinvite any celebrities, which is the worst thing that can happen for populist journalism). Yet another reason that the Huffington Post and World Net Daily are alike.
  • Not only did the National Enquirer's John Edwards love child reporting not win a Pulitzer; it wasn't even in the top ten, according to James Rainey. Well shucks.
  • Listen to this news item which reflects poorly on the NEW Bloomberg Businessweek: The magazine is going to "unveil its redesign" with a party on April 22—which is the same night as the National Magazine Awards! LOLOLOLOL. It appears Bloomberg BusinessWeek does not know much about the industry it is in, which is magazines!
  • Style Weekly, an alt-weekly in Richmond, just settled a $10 million libel lawsuit with a politician who had sued the paper over an article alleging that he was unethical in his business dealings. The settlement reportedly includes "a full, unreserved and unequivocal apology" and "a significant cash settlement." Regardless of the merits of the case, today must just suck if you were the reporter and/ or editor on that story. Bad, bad day.

[Pic: Getty]