Hamster Running on Teflon Pan
This hamster can't stop his little feet from moving.
This hamster can't stop his little feet from moving.
Before I pressed play, I was hoping for Benny Hill. I was not disappointed.
@Kristina Lucarelli: I've said it before, and I'll say it again: "Yakety Sax" will be the anthem of the New World Order.
@booferama: Can we have times during the day where "Yakety Sax" plays over speakers and everyone begins to run around frantically?
If so, I'm all for the NWO.
I've been up for almost 24 hours now, working constantly on work I don't even understand. I've barely eaten, my eyes can hardly focus, and I zone out for minutes at a time in a waking haze.
I think this video just saved my life.
I can't tell if he's trapped or having fun.
I didn't think you needed butter when you used teflon