Cuomo Suit: Terrible State Senator's Nonprofit Bought Him $20,000 Worth of Sushi

Andrew Cuomo, currently running for governor of our hearts (and, unofficially, for governor of the state of New York), has filed suit against New York State Senator Pedro Espada Jr. for being incredibly corrupt.
Espada (pictured, above, to the right of girlfriend-slashing criminal former Senator Hiram Monserrate, his good friend) has a nonprofit called Soundview that is supposed to provide health care to poor people, but all it actually does is employ Espada's entire extended family and pay the rent on the Bronx apartment that he pretends to live in.
The scope of the scam is staggering, even by the debased standards of Albany politicians. Espada squeezed $14 million out of Soundview. Soundview regularly covered the bill for sushi delivery to the Mamaroneck house Espada actually lives in. (How regularly? "200 meals totaling more than $20,000" regularly.)
Elizabeth Benjamin also has a handy list of current and former Soundview board members, along with how, exactly, they're related to Espada. Who knew dating Espada's sister could be so profitable? I got a couple decent-looking unemployed friends if Espada has a lonely niece or something—get in touch!
Bronx community organizer Desiree Pilgrim-Hunter, named one of New York's Unsung Heroes by Tom Robbins and the Village Voice, is officially running against Espada. Learn more about her (she beat Bloomberg and his developer cronies!) and then why not donate to her campaign at ActBlue?