Mad Dog Cooks Crack in Hollywood

In your energetic Monday media column: Richard Beckman has a hardcore plan for The Hollywood Reporter, newspaper circulation declines, The Wrap gets paid big time, and anonymous angry stories from the bowels of the New York Post.
- Richard "Mad Dog" Beckman (pictured) left Conde Nast earlier this year for the decidedly less glamorous world of trade magazines. Today, he tells Chris Tennant that he plans to fix up The Hollywood Reporter "By turning it into the most interesting media vehicle that covers the entertainment business. I want to create a product that is the crack-the drug crack-of the industry, whether it's digitally or in print." Oh, like some sort of "Media Crack," then?
- In the past six months, US newspaper circulation has fallen 8.7%. But don't worry, because...yea, worry.
- Sharon Waxman's The Wrap raised $2 million in a second round of funding. All the money will be put towards feuding with Michael Wolff and Nikki Finke.
- Anonymous griping strikes the storied New York Post! A tipster tells us that eight reporters have left the paper in the past month or so—and at least one of them said "she'd rather be unemployed than work in a rotten place where people get paid crap and get yelled at all the time by [Col Allan]." A scandal in the making, by New York Post sourcing standards! Loud Jousts With Soused Boss Costs Newsroom Jobs! Our tipster adds that "management was forced to attend a two-hour seminar on sexual harassment on Thursday where some lawyer went on and on about how you can't talk about boobs in the newsroom. I guess it's OK if you're writing a story about them since Friday's paper had two stories on breasts. Just don't talk about them."