Tonight, Michael Lohan and his lawyer came on The Joy Behar Show to discuss his daughter, Lindsay. As the interview wore on, Lohan's lawyer became more and more aggravated by Behar's questioning until she finally called out Behar. Video inside.

This issue started after Lohan brought police to Lindsay's home last week. Lohan claimed that he resorted to calling the authorities because he didn't think Lindsay's 16 year old sister, Ali, should be living in the same environment as Lindsay. After a thorough inspection, the West Hollywood Sheriff's department said that Ali's living conditions were fine. Lindsay later twittered that her father was insane and wouldn't leave her alone; she also posted this:

It's hard to tell if Lohan is serious or not, which is how this situation has always been. Is he really trying to be a good father or is he just drumming up publicity because he's addicted to it? It seems like all the Lohans want a piece of the pie and perhaps Lindsay has suffered because of this. In 2006, Lindsay released the video for her single, "Daughter to Father," which is below.

It seems Lindsay attempted to reconcile with her father, or at least knew it was something important. So, is Lohan going about things the right way? If his daughter is a complete mess and refuses to get help, what can he do? Is he crazy for going over with police? Is he just looking for attention? Or is he just desperate and doesn't know what to do anymore? Perhaps it's a combination of all of those things. One wonders how this might play out if the Lohans weren't famous. Fame can make everything so twisted.

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