How I Befriended a Japanese Sex Cult

Remember last week's post about the quasi-Catholic Japanese sex cult where they have yogurt-smeared sex on an altar in public? Their leader has been emailing me, and sent new pictures. Are these people for real?

As a refresher: Little Pebble Dohsyuku-kai is a Japanese "commune" practicing a Catholic spin-off religion founded by a convicted child molester. Vice sent a reporter for interviews and to watch Little Pebble's rituals, which include Father Jean-Marie Thornbush Little John—yes, that's his name—having yogurt-lubricated non-penetrative public sex on an altar, before the Eucharist, with a congregant who believes herself a nouveau virgin Mary. We wrote a post about it. Then a guy claiming to be Father Jean-Marie sent an email. He thanked us for the post and explained how he performed Catholicism's first-ever God-sanctioned gay marriage:
From: okuta michel- marie- francois j chikara <[redacted]>
Date: Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 1:03 PM
Subject: from AKITA Japan Little Pebble Dohosyuku-kaiI send e-mail from Japan.
I am Father Jean-Marie Thornbush Little John.
I am not good at English sorry.I would like to epress to you my deepest gatitude for our article appear on your blog.
and 20th Feb.2010 St Joseph said us about like" Catholic gay couple to have married" That's name is " Proffession Cupple's Vow "( PCV). This is name of ceremony. and " Proffession Vow "(PV) is proffesion for gay couple's vow.
this prpffession vow is for any kinds of couples to united for one time or forever.add to St Joseph said us about miracle spring's name is "Spring for the Little Pebble" this spring for one want to be cured from homosexial,etc.
God bless you .

It was a long email (see below to read full correspondence) and I wondered whether someone was pulling my leg. (Why does he spell "couple" both correctly and adorably incorrectly in the same sentence?) The entire Little Pebble church defies belief. So I replied asking for verification.
To: okuta michel- marie- francois j chikara <[redacted]>
Date: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 2:34 AM
Subject: Re: from AKITA Japan Little Pebble Dohosyuku-kaiThank you for writing. How did St. Joseph talk to you? To prove it is really you, can you send a photograph of yourself, Clara, or others?
Not only did they reply with pictures—they included my name! And the people in the photographs did, in fact, match the people photographed for Vice's article.
From: okuta michel- marie- francois j chikara <[redacted]>
To: maureen o'coner
Date: Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 3:36 AM
Subject: RE: from AKITA Japan Little Pebble Dohosyuku-kaiDear Maureen O'coner
Thank you a reply and a qestion from you .
I make a answer for you.First is
Today we taked phots of us .
I send you phots wit e-mail.we menber's name is
Father Jean-Marie Thornbush Little John,
Marie-Madeleine Thornbush Ritsuko SugiuraClara-Josefa-Menendez Yumi Abe
Kolbe-Marie Tetsuro Abe(he put on his glasses)
Michel-Marie-Francois Chikara Okuta

Argument for this being real: Sexually egomaniacal leaders of tiny cults are probably of the "all press is good press" school of thought. These YouTube videos are boring and elaborate enough to suggest significance beyond titillation-for-attention.
Argument for this being a hoax: Quasi-Catholic Japanese sex cult founded by a pedarest, proponents of yogurt-lubed exhibitionism and gay marriage, are my new best friends. WTF?
Here's my full correspondence with Father Jean-Marie Thornbush Little John. Feel free to assess him, his religion, how serious they are—or translate the message he sent in Japanese—in the comments.
From: okuta michel- marie- francois j chikara <[redacted]>
Date: Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 1:03 PM
Subject: from AKITA Japan Little Pebble Dohosyuku-kaiI send e-mail from Japan.
I am Father Jean-Marie Thornbush Little John.
I am not good at English sorry.I would like to epress to you my deepest gatitude for our article appear on your blog.
and 20th Feb.2010 St Joseph said us about like" Catholic gay couple to have married"
That's name is " Proffession Cupple's Vow "( PCV). This is name of ceremony.
and " Proffession Vow "(PV) is proffesion for gay couple's vow.
this prpffession vow is for any kinds of couples to united for one time or forever.add to St Joseph said us about miracle spring's name is "Spring for the Little Pebble"
this spring for one want to be cured from homosexial,etc.God bless you .
so this is recently our information.
I am Clara-Josefa-Menendez Yumi Abe.
I am 38 years old.
I can not speak english at all.
I am a menber of Little Pebble Dohsyuku-kai.
I had been pregnant with twins for two years nine months , from on August 5th ,2007
This is "virgin birth," or parthenogenesis.
This was a miracle that God has bestowed on us to prove the innocence of Mr. Little Pebble, the Prophets ,Last Pope , Pope Little Peter Abraham II .
He has been incarcerated in Sydney, Australia, for more than four years now.
Baby's name is "Maria Gabriella Akane" and "Annalea Yayoi"
So Angel Saintimintalious will take Maria Gabriella Akane out from my body and Angel Alendus will take Annalea Yayoi out from my body.
Little Pebble revives "Royal Family of David",God nominats me as to be "Baroness of Royal family of David".SOON the ovum babies is born.
MAY 1st. 2010
the Feast of St. Joseph,the Worker
AM5:01(Japan Standerd Time)on 1st May, 2010
The ovum babys will be born , at AM05:01( Japan Standerd Time) on 1st May, 2010.
Check it this
at pm05:01(Japan Standerd Time) on the 1st May , 2010.
"Spring for the Little Pebble " will start to spring in TERASAWA AKITA
there is apparition place of Virgin Mary .Trust Father Jean-Marie Thornbush Little John
If you come to "Spring for the Little Pebble" and you take a bath , into the spring water,
you will be cured from homosexal,lesbian,and sexial abuse and torauma,all kind of adictions,
various injuries,any physical and mental diseases.
To: okuta michel- marie- francois j chikara <[redacted]>
Date: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 2:34 AM
Subject: Re: from AKITA Japan Little Pebble Dohosyuku-kaiThank you for writing. How did St. Joseph talk to you? To prove it is really you, can you send a photograph of yourself, Clara, or others?
From: okuta michel- marie- francois j chikara <[redacted]>
To: maureen o'coner
Date: Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 3:36 AM
Subject: RE: from AKITA Japan Little Pebble Dohosyuku-kaiDear Maureen O'coner
Thank you a reply and a qestion from you .
I make a answer for you.First is
Today we taked phots of us .
I send you phots wit e-mail.we menber's name is
Father Jean-Marie Thornbush Little John,
Marie-Madeleine Thornbush Ritsuko SugiuraClara-Josefa-Menendez Yumi Abe
Kolbe-Marie Tetsuro Abe(he put on his glasses)
Michel-Marie-Francois Chikara OkutaNext is " apparition of St Joseph " about proffesion of capple's vow on YOU TUBE .
and this address is VTR ceremony on YOU TUBE we did "Proffetion of capple's vow "on 7th Feb 2010.
VTR " Proffesiton of capple's vow"
This VTR is only Japanese,so that you can understand this VTR you ask for one can translate from Japanese into English.
and about "The late Emperor was baptized on his deathbed !" on YOU TUBE
and This is a text of "The late Emperor was baptized on his deathbed !"
Please you should read this text!!!The late Emperor was baptized on his deathbed !
The Virgin Mary reveiled secrets of Japanese Imperial House !
We leak out to you information below accordance to
the Virgin mary's wishes.
Imperial House chose a Roman Catholic priest who support
the Little Pebble to baptize the late Emperor.
Imperial House invited him secretly and let him baptized the late
Emperor on his deathbed.
The Empress Michiko is a Roman Catholic who was babtized
in her infancy.
The Emperor's daughter Sayako Kuroda is a seer united
with the Little Pebble and she has vision and locution of
Blessed Virgin Mary,
The Emperor's grand doughter Princess Mako will also
become a seer united with the Little Pebble,soon.
God restarts scenario about the imperial family and will send
Father Jean-Marie Thornbush Little John to baptize all member
of imperial family.「昭和天皇は臨終洗礼を受けていた!
◆ 皇室は昭和天皇に、リトル・ペブル支持の神父によって、臨終洗礼を授けさせていた。
◆ 美智子皇后は、幼児洗礼を受けたローマ・カトリック信者である。
◆ 黒田清子様は幻視者であり、聖母マリア様に会い、会話をしている。
◆ プリンセス眞子様もまた、まもなく幻視者になる。
天は、日本の皇室に関するシナリオを再起動させ、ジャン・マリー杉浦洋神父を遣わして、皇室の方々に洗礼を施します。Testimony of Michel-Marie-Francois Chikara Okuta
In 1988,I was at a university,I was reader of monthly magazine
"Mu" Prophecies from Holy Mother have appeared in "Mu "
a few times.
I came to know Father Steinbeck who was introduced on
those articles. I wished to see him and hear from him personally.
He was in Kyoto.
Then, I visited him.
He taught me below,
there is a society 'Sei-Maria no Kodomo-Kai'
The society is consists of young people who support
the Little Pebble.
There is Father Tatsuya Shimura in Tokyo, He is supporting
the Little Pebble.
I took part in " Sei-Maria no Kodomo-Kai " , it was initial stage of this society ,
Many young people came to participate after my participation in this society.
I made menber's address book .
It was an important part.
My confessant was Father Shimura . I and Father Shimura and
some other members went to a restraunt to eat and talk.
Our subjects were about Holy Mary e.t.c,
Father Shimura told us about the French Revolution.
Firstly,Jesus gave a message to Saint margaret Mary Alacoque
(Marguerite-Marie Alacoque).
The massae was addressed to Louis 14th.
Jesus ordered the French royal family below,
Dedicate France to the Sacred Heart !
Add the Sacred Heart to the national flag of France!
But Louis 14th ignored these orders.
Next King Louis 15th also ignored them.
Next King Louis 16th also did not do them.
Just the same day of the same month after 100years ,
the French Revolution broke out.
Textbook of school never has this story.
It caused me great suprise.
Then Father Shimura also told us below ,
Chinese army will invade Japan.
But, if Imperial House convert from shinto to Roman Catholic,
God will hinder the invasion.
Father Shimura took part in meetings of the Little Pebble visiting
to Japan. When the Little pebble visited to Japan with other
seers, there was a big meeting with a mass. During the mass,
Father Shimura heard confession on the back of stage.
I aiso confessed him and I talk with him about my homosexuality first time.
After the late Emperor dead, a member of " Sei-Maria no Kodomo-Kai " talked to me. He said that.
"The late Emperor was baptized on his deathbed.
When the mortal hour of him , Imperial House invited Father Shimura. And he baptized the late Emperor."
Therefore, next time I met Father Shimura , I asked him parsonally about the truth.
He replied me.
"It's true. I was called from Imperial House and went to the late
Emperor's deathbed . He was baptized from me before death."
I keep in my remembrance that joy filled my heart when I heard that . Because the late Empelor's life was filled with
many bitter experiences.
Father Shimura confided personally this in many members of
"Sei-Maria no kodomo-kai",then They can testify this as well as me.【 ミッシェル・マリー・フランソワ奥田力の証言 】
当時、聖マリアの子供会のメンバーで、志村神父様からこのことを直接打ち明けられた人は多数います。彼らも、ぼくと同様に、リトル・ペブルさんを支持する志村神父が、皇室からよばれて昭和天皇に臨終洗礼を授けたことを証言できます。Testimony of Father Jean-Marie Thorbush Little-John Hiroshi Sugiura
In August 1992,Princess Sayako Norinomiya called from Japan to
" The Order of the Immaculate Heart and of Saint Louis -Marie de
Montfort" in the Province of Quebec in Canada.
And she reveraled that she is a seer and Blessed Virgin Mary was
appearing her.
I did not know about it at all when I entered this religious Order
after five months, I was the 16th member of this religious Order.
There was a Wedding Photo Album of the incumbent Enperor's
Second Son - "Ayanomiya" and his bride - "Kiko" in a bookshelf of
dinning room. And this Album had a photo of all members of
Imperial House.
Some members come to me showing this photo and asked me
that "Who is Emperor's daughter ? "
I pointed at Princess Sayako Norinomiya . They were delighted
and said to me,"This Princess is a seer who is united with
the Little Pebble , do you know that ? "
I was very suprised to hear that and replied " I don't know".Then they taught me below
Father Yves-Marie Blais , Moderator and founder of this religious
Order is supporting Little Pebble
very much. He opend " International Mrian Forum" in this place
five months ago. Mary assembly came from various countries.
there were many seers. Then,Pricess Sayoko Norinomiya phoned
from Japan. She spoke with a seer who know many blood royals
of many country whose name is Franz Keiler, He came from
Vancouver Canada and he kept supporting the Little Pebble
all his life.
Princess Sayako Norinmiya said to him, " I have visions of Blessed Virgin
Mary. She requested me to go to a apparition site of her on 13th
day of month, How can I do it , Then,He guided her.
All members of this religious Order and all assembly of
this "International Marian forum " can testify to that.
The number is well over one hundred,and various nations people
But , August in 1994 , All Japanese public seers , they were about
twelve , betrayed the Little Pebble and they lost their grace and
mission from God. God paused His scenario . The scenario is Gad
Sway Imperial House into leading conversion of Japanese.【 ジャン・マリー杉浦洋神父の証言 】
Previously: The Quasi-Catholic Sex Cult that Requires Yogurt-Smeared Sex in Public