Our nation's college journalists just cannot stop getting themselves arrested, for journalism. Alex Kotran, intrepid photojournalist-at-large for the Ohio State Lantern, was simply covering two runaway and potentially deadly cows, when he was rudely detained. Fiends.

Alex spotted the runaway cows from his dorm room. He rushed to the scene and began documenting it, photographically. He was accosted by cow-chasing thugs from the School of Agriculture. He informed them that he was a working journalist, and that they had better summon the police if they expected to stop him from photographing two runaway hostile cows on the campus of the Ohio State University. Shortly after, a fascist anti-First Amendment cop ordered him to stop his documentations. "At the time, several officers and OSU workers were on the field chasing the cows. Kotran was nearly 100 yards away from the action." Alex Kotran bravely persisted in his cow photography, and ended up being detained and cuffed by the police. And what happened while he was being detained? What were they trying to hide?

During that time, other OSU Police fired several shots at the cow, according to news reports.

We stand with you, Alex Kotran, cow photographer. The Ohio State University police should know: the world is watching (you shoot at cows).
[The Lantern via Romenesko]