It's pretty easy to knock Britain for having a boring political scene, compared to Ukraine at least. The Guardian called on its readers to submit their own political posters and the results are dry, funny, and even gross. Let's look.

It seems that the British are just as pissed off at their leaders as we Americans are. They even have crazy racists running for office, just like we do! This has sparked some creativity among the populace in the form of alternative election posters. Besides the above image, which is incredibly gross/awesome, there are a few other pretty funny ones. The entire collection can be seen here.

This one (retired high school principal?) is a bit scary. The poster's creator, Marshall Walker from Manchester says: "Be wary of becoming too occupied with voting someone out. You may lose sight of what you're letting in." No kidding.

Some are still upset about the whole monarchy thing. Keith Mottram from London says: "An unsubtle comment on the unspeakable aspect of our 'democracy' – our unelected head of state." Ouch.

And look! Even the commies have some ideas for the future of England. Not a bad idea!

[Images via Guardian]