When Larry King's eighth divorce became public knowledge, we quickly found out that Larry was in love with his wife's sister and his wife was diddling their kids' baseball coach. Now that coach wants to cash in by baring all.

Hector Penate, the Little League coach in question, has already talked to the press about his time with King's wife, Shawn Southwick, and about doing it in Larry's bed. So now, as a reasonably attractive young man embroiled in a scandal, he's turning to the only other way to cash in: by posing for Playgirl.

Unlike Sarah Palin's grandbabydaddy Levi Johnston, whom the magazine actively courted, a source at Playgirl says Penate approached them about getting in the buff for some bucks. It seems that thanks to the whole Levi brouhaha, the once-dead Playgirl is reemerging to give straight women and (mostly) gay men a place to ogle the sexy male tabloid fodder of the month.

Penate will have to go a bit further than Johnston, though. After the no full-frontal Levi saga, our source says Playgirl informed Penate that they'd consider doing a shoot provided a shot of the wang was guaranteed. Penate's camp said they'd be game "for the right price." The two sides are now reportedly in negotiations, but Penate better hurry up! Now that Larry may not get divorced after all, his already modest star is on the wane.

[Top image via INF]