The Best Gawker.TV Comments: Your Words, Your Week in Video
This week, we've got some Bieber dopplegangers, speculation as to why Keenan Thompson can't do impressions, and a dig at Kathie Lee, because... well... it's Kathie Lee. See if your comment made the cut!

[Jill Lawson at the Gawker.TV meetup at Panna II]
Grayson Chance might be the only person who upstaged Betty White this week. The video of the 12-year-old singing Paparazzi went viral, and the next day, Ellen had him perform it on her show. People are calling him the next Justin Bieber, probably because of the hair. Two commenters came up with some more Bieberesque dopplegangers:

Julio Esquivel seems to think Keenan's horrible Al Roker impression is because he's without his other half.
Keenan without Kel is like Laurel without Hardy.
There were lots of comments about Hoda and Kathie Lee's makeup free day, and ObservantUnderachiever summed it up best with this:
Hoda looks like a shinier Hoda.
Kathie Lee looks a bit like a sweaty Cabbage Patch doll.
Have you been particularly charmed by a comment or commenter? Send your tips my way.