Retired-model-turned-Oprah-wannabe Tyra Banks is writing her first novel, Modelland. It will be part of a trilogy, since Random House signed her to a three-book deal. Oh, goodie! The details sound scary and fierce, like Tyra in a jumpsuit.

The book takes place in a make-believe world called Modelland, "where 'Intoxibellas' are trained. Intoxibellas are drop-dead beautiful, kick-butt fierce and, yeah, maybe they have some powers too," Tyra writes on her website. But she is no stupid model: She says that she loves books so much she actually shakes when she walks into a bookstore. (Are you sure that's not some sort of medical condition, Tyra?) Anyway, Banks has a very specific audience in mind for the book. "It's for all the girls and guys who want a lot more FANTASY in their lives…and some fierceness and magic, romance and mystery, crazy and wild adventures, and yeah, some danger too." Well, Tyra, that sounds like just about everyone!