Miss USA's Sexy Stripper Scandal Begins Less Than Day After Crowning

Proof that the first Arab-American Miss USA, Rima Fakih, is as American as previous queens: Less than 24 hours after being crowned, her sex scandal emerges. It's a stripper snafu, so it probably won't matter. But look, stripper pictures!
Apparently Rima—who is from Dearborn, Michigan—participated in a local radio station's "Stripper 101" contest, for which she won "jewelry, gift cards, adult toys, and a stripper pole for home use." I mean, it isn't actually a sex scandal, because they don't literally have sex with the pole, it's more of a low-contact dance-hump, but apparently everyone's calling this her Carrie Prejean sex tape moment, so we'll go with it. Unlike the patently insane accusation that Rima is "Miss Hezbollah" (the lady is many things, but radical Islam-approved is definitely not one of them), though, the stripper thing only bolsters Rima's claim to the throne, because it means she's exactly the same as every other red-blooded American beauty queen who just wants to get by on looks and sex appeal alone.

Rima appears to have set a record for how quickly she went from crowning to sex scandal. So if anything, she's even more American than other members of the Donald Trump Stage Harem. [TMZ, Mojo, via marginalizer]