A Comprehensive List of Everyone Trying to Sever Ties With Donald Trump
Hudson Hongo · 07/01/15 10:30PMUnivision Canceled Miss USA Because Donald Trump Is an Asshole
Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/25/15 12:05PM
Donald Trump, to be fair, says a lot of idiot things. And for the most part, people just ignore him until he tires himself out, as you might a child having a tantrum. But it looks like his idiot comments about drug-addicted-rapist Mexicans rightfully offended some people—Univision says they’re not going to air the Miss USA beauty pageant as long as he’s involved.
Miss USA Contestant Gives Orwellian Response to Question on NSA Scandal
Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/17/13 12:12PMMiss USA Crowned Miss Universe (Right Before the Universe Ends)
Caity Weaver · 12/20/12 11:35AMMiss USA Contestant: Pageant is 'Fixed,' 'Lacking in Morals'
Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/06/12 09:07AMMuslim Miss USA Arrested for DUI
Maureen O'Connor · 12/05/11 10:25AMRick Perry Partied with Reality Stars at Fashion Week
Maureen O'Connor · 09/15/11 09:27PM
Far-right presidential candidate Rick Perry dined with self-appointed "godfather of politics" Donald Trump last night. What did they do afterwards? Partied with pageant queens, Kardashians, and Kathie Lee Gifford at the Sheri Hill fashion show in the Trump Tower. Update: Page Six reports that Perry "made a beeline backstage" to hang out with the models, including Kathie Lee's daughter Cassidy.
New Miss USA Miraculously Believes in Evolution
Adrian Chen · 06/20/11 05:02PMMeet 21-year-old Alyssa Campanella, your new Miss USA: She's beautiful, talented and, best of all, not willfully ignorant of hundreds of years of scientific knowledge. The winner of this year's Miss USA pageant believes in evolution!
Miss USA Contestant Confesses to Identity Theft
Max Read · 05/15/11 01:35PM
The state of Wisconsin was deeply disgraced over the weekend as its foremost representative, Miss Wisconsin USA, admitted to identity theft. Shaletta Porterfield, who worked at a marketing company last summer, told police that she forged the signatures of clients in order to meet her commission goals. She likely won't see any jail time (according to her lawyer, she didn't benefit monetarily from her actions, and stopped working at the firm in August), but she will have live with the knowledge that she brought deep and abiding shame upon the Miss USA pageant. [Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel via NYDN]