There are few things funnier than bureaucratic mix-ups that result in vulgar things appearing on official documents. Today brings two hilarious DMV mistakes which resulted in "biotch" and "eat ass" on a license plate and a driver's license, respectively!

First: meet Kim Romano, the 49 year-old mother of three who also happens to have the word "Biotch" emblazoned on her New Jersey license plate. The convoluted story of how this colloquialism ended up on her Chrysler Convertible tells us much about this American Hero: Four years ago, she wanted the vanity license plate "Big Kim," because, why wouldn't you? But the New Jersey DMV accidentally sent her a license plate that said "b1g kim," which, Romano tells the New Jersey Star-Ledger, "looked stupid." Kim and her coworker then did what any middle-aged women would do in this situation:

Romano sat down with a co-worker at Somerset County's vehicle maintenance department to punch in other funny ideas into MVC's website. Their off-color offerings kept getting rejected after failing to sneak past the screening software...

Finally, Romano typed in "bioch." To her surprise, it was successfully processed. Worried there was a mistake, she called the commission. "They were laughing," Romano said. "They said, ‘Congratulations, you're the first ‘bioch' in New Jersey."

And so Romano became known about town for her "Bioch" license plate, celebrated—but also apparently despised. Someone filed an anonymous complaint against her; now the DMV has revoked her license plate. She's not happy: "It's not offensive," she told the Star-Ledger. "It's not even a real word." But she relented, and came up with another brilliant vanity plate: "Whaever."

Then there's this anonymous woman in Florida. She applied for a new driver's license and received one that said she lived on EAT ASS (Road?)

This is probably a new government program to get people to drive less by insulting them on their licenses. Or maybe, given the Bioch case, the DMV has a special division devoted to infantile jokes. In which case, we can not think of any better way to spend our tax dollars. BIOCH4LIFE [Consumerist]