
Keep Your Causes Off Your License Plates, Assholes

Mobutu Sese Seko · 12/13/12 04:30PM

As we increasingly cluster in ideologically like-minded niches, our experiences with social media become more like highlight video. Some obnoxious buddy is saying BOOYA! about something on DailyKos, or someone else is demanding that we please trade the idiot president to another country for two prospects and cash.

Happy Thanksgiving From the 1Pursent

Hamilton Nolan · 11/20/12 04:55PM

A reader sends this photo of a vanity plate that everyone can enjoy, taken on a street in Bushwick, Brooklyn. "The front of the car was all smashed up," she adds.

Florida's Best Banned License Plates

Lauri Apple · 09/30/11 05:15AM

Recently the California Department of Motor Vehicles released a list of 100 vanity plates they rejected as part of their efforts to keep California classy. Not to be outdone, Florida's DMV has released its own list of banned plates—and it's way more scatological and private-partcentric than California's.

The War Against ILVTOFU License Plates

Maureen O'Connor · 09/15/11 03:25PM

Tofu-loving Tennesseean Whitney Calk has teamed up with PETA to protest being denied a vanity license plate that says ILVTOFU (I love tofu) because state bureaucrats misread it as I LV TO FU, which they found offensive, because fucking. Which is odd, since I find tofu more offensive than fucking, but that's beside the point.

Confederate Soldier Fighting for 'Rebel Plates'

Remy Stern · 05/13/11 01:29AM

"What you have on your license plate is everything ... It's your message to the world," says Floridian anachronism John Adams, who's been trying for years to exercise his constitutional right to put a Confederate license plate on his car. Will this warrior for liberty and freedom prevail?

Should a KKK Grand Wizard Get a Special License Plate?

Max Read · 02/11/11 01:36AM

Should Mississippi honor Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest by giving him a special license plate? Probably not, no. But the Mississippi Division of Sons of Confederate Veterans seems to think it would be a good idea, having proposed a commemorative Forrest License plate for 2014 as part of a series of license plates that "mark the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, which it calls the 'War Between the States.'"

California Contemplates License Plate Ads

Maureen O'Connor · 06/22/10 02:43PM

$19-billion-in-debt California is considered putting ads on license plates: "The electric plates would look normal while the car is in motion, but would flash advertisements any time the car is stopped." Wasn't this in Wall-E? [Time, image via]

'Bioch' and 'Eat Ass': A Tale of Two Hilarious DMV Snafus

Adrian Chen · 05/19/10 06:30PM

There are few things funnier than bureaucratic mix-ups that result in vulgar things appearing on official documents. Today brings two hilarious DMV mistakes which resulted in "biotch" and "eat ass" on a license plate and a driver's license, respectively!

Plategate, Day 2

cityfile · 11/12/09 10:27AM

A day after Gov. Paterson announced that New York would introduce new license plates—and charge every motorist $25 for the privilege of switching over to the "Empire Gold" plates—and he's already backing away from the plan. Following a storm of protest, Paterson now says he's prepared to abandon the fee. As long as someone can figure out how to make up for the $129 million gap in the state's budget. The governor says he doesn't know how to do it. Do you? Call 518-474-8390 and ask for Dave. [NYP]