Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Kobe Bryant appears on the Modern Family finale, Lost creators Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof read Dave's Top Ten, Sam Rockwell puts on dancin' shoes, George Lopez talks nonsense, and Google prepares to take over your TV.

Kobe Bryant Makes a Cameo on Modern Family
ABC pulled in an NBA ringer for tonight's finale of Modern Family, and Kobe Bryant's brief scene actually ranks pretty high on the scale of athletes who try (and usually fail) to be funny.

LOST Creators Spoil the Finale for David Letterman on The Late Show
The most hated men in television right now, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, stopped by the Late Show tonight to do David Letterman's Top Ten list. Video of many fake spoilers and a cameo, inside.

WTF is George Lopez Talking About on the View?
George Lopez appeared on The View today and made a strange joke in response to a question about his transplanted kidney. None of the co-hosts seem to know what he's saying either.

Sam Rockwell Dances onto Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
We got a completely unexpected treat when Sam Rockwell appeared on Jimmy Fallon's show last week; there's something elusively hilarious about his dance moves.

Get Ready for Google to Take Over Your Television
Google has posted another introductory video to announce their latest quest for world domination—television. In it, they ask "if the web is so smart and TV is so fun to watch, why can't they work together?"