Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day
Today at Gawker.TV, Russell Brand discusses Venus Williams' behind, Real Housewives' Teresa goes through labor on her cell phone, and we say farewell to 24 for good and How I Met Your Mother and Chuck until next fall.

24 Series Finale: Chloe Shuts it Down
After eight seasons, 24 has reached its end. In the last two minutes of the series finale Jack tells Chloe that he's fleeing the country, Chloe promises to protect his family and then, in Liz Lemon fashion, she shuts it down.

Russell Brand Discusses the Moon of Venus Williams
Russell Brand went onto The Tonight Show to talk about his new movie, what makes him sexy, Venus and Serena Williams, amongst other hard hitting topics of course. Needless to say, Katy Perry is in for an interesting marriage.

HIMYM Season Finale: the 5th Doppelganger is Found, Robin's Heartbreak, and Ted Goes Blond
As predictable as it was, last night's season finale of HIMYM tied up its 5th season as well as anyone could expect. Marshall and Lilly are hoppin' on the baby train, Don's leaving for Chicago, and Ted went blond.

Teresa Can't Get Off Her Cell Phone—Even During Labor
Yes, women like to talk a lot, especially on the phone. But Real Housewives of New Jersey's Teresa took being a "chatty cathie" to new levels when she spent her time in labor on her cell phone.

Chuck Finale Reveals The Best Spies Are All Buttons
In his latest attempt to dismantle The Ring, Chuck shows how the best spies are products of their environments—providing their environments have buttons that fire missiles or upload computers to your brain.