Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/11/13 02:30PM

Watch out for that cougar! Fox is trying to reboot the 24 franchise with a "limited series" of 13 episodes. The timing is perfect - both Keifer Sutherland and Elisha Cuthbert's series were canceled this week.

History Channel Thankfully Shelves The Kennedys

Jeff Neumann · 01/08/11 12:29PM

The History Channel has decided to cancel its 8-part miniseries The Kennedys, starring Katie Holmes, because the "dramatic interpretation is not a fit" for the channel. Good! The show was developed by the guy behind right-wing torture fetish show 24.

24 Series Finale: Chloe Shuts it Down

Andrew Tatreau-Sherwood · 05/25/10 11:21AM

After eight seasons, 24 has reached its end. In the last two minutes of the series finale Jack tells Chloe that he's fleeing the country, Chloe promises to protect his family and then, in Liz Lemon fashion, she shuts it down.

Taylor Lautner Can Buy and Sell Your Ass

Richard Lawson · 03/18/10 08:59AM

It's true, he's very rich. Also today: A romantic comedy duo for the ages, a softer approach from a 24 man, Nickelodeon has deep pockets, and The Hobbit begins its journey!

cityfile · 11/25/09 02:48PM

• Sarah Palin's memoir is officially No. 1 on the US bestseller list, alas. [NYT]
• A Swiss court has granted bail to director Roman Polanski. [Times UK]
• Oprah will sit down with the president as part of a Christmas special. [THR]
• All that drama at the AMAs is boosting sales of Glambert's new album. [LAT]
• Related: Is there a double-standard when it comes to gay performers on network television? CBS's Early Show asks the question, then answers it. [HP]
• Fox is looking forward to the return of Idol and 24 in a few weeks. [NYT]
New Moon has a lock on the long weekend box office, not surprisingly. [LAT]
• Carla Bruni-Sarkozy on her decision to appear in Woody Allen's next film: "Maybe I will be terrible. But, in my life, I cannot let such a chance go." [BN]

'24': The Clock Is Ticking

cityfile · 05/07/09 09:25AM

Kiefer Sutherland's headbutt of Jack McCollough may have far-reaching consequences, and not just because Kiefer will probably face assault charges in connection with the incident. The eighth season of 24 is set to begin taping any day now, but if Sutherland has to do time behind bars, that may totally mess up the production schedule! Then again, there's always the possibility that Kiefer could take a cue from the show and figure out a way to solve all of his legal problems—as well as bust a few terrorists and save a few lives—in less than an hour, in which case all will turn out okay. [THR]