Sorority Girls Drunkenly Trashed Underground Railroad Museum

Ohio's Miami University has the booziest, pukiest, poopiest sororities in America. First Pi Beta Phi trashed a lake lodge. Now Alpha Xi Delta members are in trouble for "urinating on artifacts" and otherwise destroying the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.
The AXDs rented the Cincinnati museum's event room for their spring formal—and trashed the place. Now event coordinator Rhonda Miller has written an epic letter recounting the sisters' myriad disgusting wrongs. It's the same PR gambit that a nearby lodge Lake Lyndsay used to shame Miami U's Pi Beta Phis. Just like Pi Phi memo, the AXD Underground Railroad memo has now been made public.
Miller writes that the ladies of Alpha Xi Delta began puking on themselves, their dates, and the museum as soon as they arrived. Click any image to enlarge.

Their dates "relieved themselves all over the walls" and "caused one urinal to overflow for about twenty minutes." It was around this time that Miller saw a "priceless and sanctified artifact," an antique slave pen. (How far that "priceless and sanctified" slave pen has come in the intervening centuries…)

One party goer threated to "fuck up" event staff when they tried to stop him. The Freedom Center staff spent 24 hours cleaning up and "was still finding hidden bottles of alcohol and new places where students had vomited." Rhonda Miller concludes,