Police in New Zealand are investigating claims that parents in one town are setting up backyard brawls between their kids instead of letting them fight in the streets. Not a bad idea! New Park Slope parenting trend coming?

Whangarei Police Campus Cop Senior Constable Hank van Engelen told the New Zealand Herald that police had been contacted twice this month about reports of girls fighting under the supervision of their parents. Van Engelen isn't positive, but he has an idea of why parents are setting up fights for their kids:

He was unsure why parents were organising the fights, but suggested they wanted a safe environment for their children to fight in.

"I know it seems a bit sick. I've heard of it happening a couple of times, but don't have enough evidence to prosecute the parents."

He understood in one case a female student had come home from school saying she wanted to fight another student. The parents had contacted each other and arranged the backyard scrap.

The kids are also apparently looking for some internet fame. According to van Engelen, "Kids are seeing who can get the best fight video and then put it up on the internet."

Here is an American kid fight that, according to a spectator, is going to be "sweeter than a motherfucker":

[NZ Herald, via Fark; Image via]