Rocco DiSpirito Has Scored Himself a Cooking Show on Bravo

The monkey-carrying, procedural crime drama guest-starring, Biggest Loser-visiting chef fameball Rocco Dispirito got himself a televised cooking competition series on Bravo called Rocco's Dinner Party. From the press release: "DiSpirito sizes up some of the country's most promising aspiring chefs to see if they have the chops to impress at a private dinner party attended by his discriminating guests."

We are mainly unenthusiastic! If only because Bravo already has two cooking competition shows (Top Chef and Top Chef Masters, no, we're not counting Jean-Christophe Novelli's Chef Academy). And really, two is enough.
Will there be Bertolli frozen pasta-themed challenges? Likely! Will some of the "discriminating guests" include ladies from one or more flavor of the Real Housewives? Probably! Will they drag past Top Chef contestants and current hosts, kicking and screaming as guest stars on occasion? Maybe! Will Bravo air Rocco's Dinner Party while Top Chef is in between seasons? Count on it.
[Republished from Authored by Raphael Brion. Photo via Getty.]