Tonight, The Daily Show returned from a two-week hiatus. Naturally, Jon Stewart opened with a focus on the disastrous BP oil spill. Unexpectedly, however, Stewart spent several minutes criticizing President Obama for his apparent unfocused and lazy response. Video inside.

By cutting together footage of Obama promising not to "rest" until the leak was plugged with that of him attending various sports and heritage-related press events, Stewart built a case against the President's seriousness with regard to a focus on doing everything necessary to make sure BP stops the flow. "Get back to the motherfucking spill," Stewart screamed at one point. Here's the segment.

Never one to shy away from across the board criticism, however, Stewart returned from his first commercial break with a short, sweet and bitingly funny bit about the fact that BP incurred 760 willful safety violations over the last three years (compared to one—yes, one—incurred by Exxon).

It's good to have you back, Jon.

[The Daily Show with Jon Stewart]