Ha, ex-Senator Larry Craig sent out an email saying that he would be appearing on The Daily Show, but that "they won't be discussing the past"—i.e. his gay restroom sex scandal. Uh, has he ever seen the show?

The Daily Show's John Oliver had a piece today about senators who've retired. And Larry Craig was one of them! According to The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder, Craig's assistant wrote the following about Craig's Daily Show appearance in an email to Craig's friends:

Larry said that the show was fun and is about the Senate. It was done about a month ago after Sen. Bayh announced his retirement. They won't be discussing the past, but will be discussing sticking around after announcing retirement, etc.

But in the piece, Oliver turns Craig's refusal to answer questions about the scandal into the joke. Craig keeps bringing up airports and spouting double entendres as Oliver literally bites his tongue. It's funny.

Poor Larry Craig. He must have thrown a vase at the TV when he saw this. Or just put his face in his hands and silently wept as the glow of the screen illuminated his starkly lined face. Woah. That got sad.