Just Try Not to Watch These Babies Impersonating Lady Gaga

We've seen a Brazilian "Bad Romance" baby, a booty-bouncing "Poker Face" baby, and a tween male "Paparazzi" baby. Babies, they just can't help themselves from soiling their diapers, crying, burping, and painting their faces and impersonating Lady Gaga.
This plague of cuteness is wearing me out. Every time a baby dresses up like Lady Gaga and cavorts adorably, I have no choice but to click "play" and waste three minutes watching sequined pre-adolescents shaking their discosticks. It's like scrolling through Cute Overload—you cannot resist the urge to say "Aww." It's a physical reflex mandated, perhaps, by the estrogen coursing through our veins. (Even men's! Men have a little too, right?) Now presenting the latest iteration of dancing baby Gagas: Baby Gaga - Telephone.
If you're not in the mood to waste several more minutes on babies bumping their butts to Lady Gaga, don't scroll down.