One half of the Malawian couple who were convicted, and then pardoned, for being gay now has a girlfriend. Shortly after being pardoned, Steven Monjeza left his old partner for a woman because he "had enough" of being harassed.

The case gained worldwide attention after two men, Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga, were arrested and sentenced to 14 years in prison with hard labor for committing "gross indecency" and "unnatural acts," after they tried to get married in Malawi. But under pressure from family, Monjeza left Chimbalanga and is now with a woman, according to the Guardian:

I have had enough," [Monjeza] said. "I was forced into the whole drama and I regret the whole episode. I want to live a normal life ... not a life where I would be watched by everyone, booed and teased."

Chimbalanga told the paper that he would move on and find another man.

You cannot force love, and nobody forced him when we did our symbolic wedding in December."

He insisted that he did not resent Monjeza's decision. "I will also marry because there are lots of good men around. I will remain a gay."