The story of Democratic Senate nominee Alvin Greene, the 32-year-old unemployed veteran who won Tuesday's primary with no money or campaign, is basically the most bizarre one ever. Maybe he is a plant! One congressman is calling for an investigation.

The only money Greene — who also currently faces a felony obscenity charge! — spent in this race was a $10,400 filing fee to get his name on the Democratic primary ballot. He claims it was his own money, which seems like something of a waste, hmm? He is, after all, unemployed, and his father — with whom he lives — is a dialysis patient still recovering from open-heart surgery, according to the Washington Post. The Post went to meet Greene yesterday! What's he like? He's funny.

"I'm the Democratic Party nominee," he says. "I mean, I mean, the people have spoken. The people of South Carolina have spoken. The people of South Carolina have spoken. We have to be pro-South Carolina. The people of South Carolina have spoken. We have to be pro-South Carolina."


Something pretty tragic is going on here, the more information (or lack thereof) that comes out. Might he be some sort of plant, from one of South Carolina's notorious prankster operatives? Congressman James Clyburn, the House majority whip and South Carolina's most respected Democratic politician, has sounded the call for an investigation.

"I would hope the U.S. attorney down there would look at this," Clyburn said about Greene's qualifications for the ballot, also pointing to Greene's having allegedly tried to pay the fee to run for Senate in cash, despite being unemployed.

"I think there's some federal laws being violated in this race, but I think some shenanigans are going on in South Carolina," Clyburn explained. "Somebody gave him that $10,000 and he who took it should be investigated, and he who gave it should be investigated."

Yeah, that's the major red flag here — the way he paid to get on the ballot. He first went to pay with either "cash," as Clyburn says, or a personal check of his own. The elections bureau told him he needed a campaign check, so he came back later with the check you can see at the top of this post, which TPM just got a copy of and posted. He literally wrote "Alvin M. Greene for Senate" in his own hand on a generic bank check, and put "Senate" in the memo! This is amazing.

But also terrible. Could some prankster have given him this $10,400 and asked him to follow through, in return for something else — help with his father's medical bills?

Maybe he just won by chance, though. It can't be that. But hopefully? This is making us crazy.